Words To Remember

"The truth is this--genealogy is our living, and we are busy every minute, [and we] could use more hours." --Jane Wethy Foley, 1942

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

News to Californians

From the Columbia Missouri Statesman
Columbia, Boone Co., MO
published March 8, 1850

"We propose furnishing news from Missouri to the miners in California. Our ability to do so has been demonstrated, and this too during a period of great embarrassment and difficulty in mail transportation. These difficulties, heretofore occasioning delays and failures of the California mails, are now vanishing. Agents have been put upon the line between New York and Chagres [once the chief Atlantic port on the isthmus of Panama--ed. note], to see that mail matter goes forward; and doubtless, the same regulation will exist in a short time between New Orleans and Chagres. The connection then will be unbroken and reliable. The evils complained of at the Isthmus are also effectually remedied.

"Capt. McLean, U.S. Mail Agent for the Pacific mail service, has announced that henceforward there will neither be obstructions nor delays in the transmission of the mail across the Isthmus. Mail service for the interior of California is also in process of improvement. Hence news papers mailed her for subscribers at San Francisco, Sacramento City, Stockton, San Jose, Coloma and other points, whether on the coast or in the interior, may be expected to reach their destination with reasonable certainty.

"What Missourian, and especially what resident of Boone or the counties adjacent, two thousand miles away delving for gold in the valley of the Sacramento or the San Joaquin, can estimate the value of a newspaper received weekly from home?

"Friends write but seldom while the paper is mailed to them weekly. Another important consideration is, that even when friends do write they cannot if they would give the intelligence a paper contains. Single letters cost 40 cents postage each, while the paper containing more news than twenty letters will [sic] coast but three or four cents.

"That the Statesman reached California during the past year, and with reasonable regularity, is abundantly shown by Mr. Russell’s letter published last week.  No fears need be entertained on that point. Many who propose emigrating this spring have already sent in their names.  Those who leave families behind them have ordered two copies---one for their families at home and one for themselves in the mines; for remember, we will give news from California as well as to California.  We suggest to out-going emigrants that one copy of the paper to each mess, although infinitely better than none, is not the best arrangement.

"In nine cases out of ten, messes are disbanded on reaching the mines and the members scatter all over the country. Each man therefore who wants the news had best make sure work of it by subscribing for it "on his own book,” A copy to each man---that’s the doctrine!

"California emigrants throughout the State, who wish to hear from home every week, are invited to send in their names to us, or to either of our agents in the prospective counties, stating the post office in California to which they desire their papers sent.

"Other citizens remaining at home, and wishing to hear the latest news from California and all other quarters, are also invited to become subscribers, for a “good time is coming.”

"To Californians----John S. Jones, of Georgetown, Mo., gives notice that he will furnish provisions and ammunitions to eighty teamsters, for their services across the land route by Fort Hall, to California, and give them one month’s provision after they are discharged in the gold diggings; They are to be discharged as soon as they get there.  Their services to commence on the 25th of April, or sooner if the grass will permit."

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